Independent estate agent comparison site provides users up to date stats on local agent performance.
Over the last 6 months our business has been growing and receiving outstanding customer reviews.
Looking over the stats today we found some excellent statistics.
Coppenwall is actually selling houses faster than other local agents in the Rossendale valley.
As a result of valuing properties more accurately we are selling properties very close to the asking.
Property Selling Faster
We currently sit at an average of 16 weeks market time, which tops the table for Rossendale.
Achieving Accurate Results
When valuing a property it’s important to be realistic about price. We give out great advice based on local industry knowledge.
As a result of this we are also performing best for accuracy, with properties receiving an average of 96.5% of the asking price.
Need a Valuation?
Give Coppenwall a call on 01706 489 140 or drop us an email: